* Added fs events example. * Added docs for `deno test`. * Renamed file server example. * Unified markdown code types. * Removed plugin topics from TOC. * Fixed links.
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Deno has a built-in test runner that you can use for testing JavaScript or TypeScript code.
Writing tests
To define a test you need to call Deno.test
with a name and function to be
Deno.test("hello world", () => {
const x = 1 + 2;
if (x !== 3) {
throw Error("x should be equal to 3");
There are some useful assertion utilities at https://deno.land/std/testing to make testing easier:
import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
Deno.test("hello world", () => {
const x = 1 + 2;
assertEquals(x, 3);
Async functions
You can also test asynchronous code by passing a test function that returns a
promise. For this you can use the async
keyword when defining a function:
Deno.test("async hello world", async () => {
const x = 1 + 2;
// await some async task
await delay(100);
if (x !== 3) {
throw Error("x should be equal to 3");
Resource and async op sanitizers
Certain actions in Deno create resources in the resource table (learn more here). These resources should be closed after you are done using them.
For each test definition the test runner checks that all resources created in
this test have been closed. This is to prevent resource 'leaks'. This is enabled
by default for all tests, but can be disabled by setting the sanitizeResources
boolean to false in the test definition.
The same is true for async operation like interacting with the filesystem. The
test runner checks that each operation you start in the test is completed before
the end of the test. This is enabled by default for all tests, but can be
disabled by setting the sanitizeOps
boolean to false in the test definition.
name: "leaky test",
fn() {
sanitizeResources: false,
sanitizeOps: false,
Ignoring tests
Sometimes you want to ignore tests based on some sort of condition (for example
you only want a test to run on Windows). For this you can use the ignore
boolean in the test definition. If it is set to true the test will be skipped.
name: "do macOS feature",
ignore: Deno.build.os !== "darwin",
fn() {
Running tests
To run the test, call deno test
with the file that contains your test
deno test my_test.ts
You can also omit the file name, in which case all tests in the current
directory (recursively) that match the glob {*_,}test.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}
will be
run. If you pass a directory, all files in the directory that match this glob
will be run.