Add documentation for how you can and do diagnostics/profiling in Forgejo, it covers the methods that Forgejo offer for this, nuances of the methods and potential footguns. I don't expect the average forgejo adminstrator to be able to profile their Forgejo instance (hence the warning in the first paragraph about contacting the Forgejo developers) but for those brave enough this documentation should be a solid foundation to get started. This is complementatory the Forgejo PR about improving the diagnostics:
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title | license |
Profiling | CC-BY-SA-4.0 |
Forgejo is written in Go, which means Forgejo can leverage the extensive profiling tooling that is provided by Go's runtime. Profiling in Forgejo can be done in production; it is safe and with low overhead; no settings need to be enabled for that. The act of profiling should be done with great responsibility and should not be seen as a magical oracle. A good knowledge of Forgejo internals helps with drawing conclusions from profiling. It is easy to draw the wrong conclusions, be overwhelmed by the data, or try to find a needle in a haystack. In the case you are reading this because you are suspecting or experiencing performance problems with Forgejo, it is recommended to make an issue or contact the Forgejo developers; this can help in narrowing down where to look and help with interpreting profiling results.
The following sections go into more detail about the different types of profiling that can be done in Forgejo.
Process stacktraces
This is by far the simplest way of profiling, even if it can be better described as diagnostics. Most goroutines1, whether short-lived or long-lived, are tracked by Forgejo as processes, which means that Forgejo knows they exist, have a description, and can cancel them at any time.
In the admin settings navigate to the "Stacktrace" item in the "Monitoring" menu; this is also the page where the other profiling will take place. The two buttons on above the segment determine what type of proccesses you want to see, "Running proccesses" show all non-system proccesses and "Stacktrace" shows all proccesses. It is good to note that the information of the proccesses are only a snapshot of what the process was doing at the time of you loading this page, it is not continously being updated; they could no longer exist or be another point in their task for which the stacktrace no longer match.
Each process in the list has a few key details:
- Title: this is the description that was given to the proccess, this should identify why it was created and what the purpose is.
- Date: this indicates when the process was created.
And a stacktrace, it is possible that a process has more than one stacktrace, in that case the first stacktrace can be seen as the main stacktrace of that process and the others are children of that process that were not marked as new process. The stacktrace is read from top to bottom, where each entry in the stacktrace represents a stack frame2. The top entry is where the newest stack frame and the bottom entry is the oldest stack frame and where this process started its lifecycle.
Interpreting the meaning of a stackframe requires a bit of Go's runtime knowledge, in the case that a process is waiting or polling on a resource, this would often be the case because short lived process where this does not happen will likely not have any meaningful wall time and are finished quickly, would be represented by the top entry being a runtime.xxx
function, this simply tells what it currently is doing but not how it got to that point, for that you need to search for the highest entry that starts with code.gitea.io/gitea/
3. That is the code in the Forgejo codebase responsible for getting to that point.
This type of diagnosis can be helpful if there are many requests that are not being processed quickly enough. By searching for the corresponding URL path on the "Running processes" page, you can find the process that is responsible for processing this particular HTTP request. However, this is only possible with a bit of luck if the monitoring page is loaded in the time period when the actual blocker is blocking the process, otherwise the stacktrace would be meaningless to determine the blocker. Git processes are shown to be blocked on a syscall function, which is entirely correct and expected as the syscall invokes the Git binary and logically Forgejo cannot show what Git is doing and provide a stacktrace of it, some Git processes (notably cat-file --batch
and cat-file --batch-check
) are long-lived Git processes, which are kept open (on-demand) in case another call has to be made to one of these two processes within the processing of the same HTTP request and thus the blocking is correct in the case of a syscall and it should rather be checked why the associated HTTP request takes a long time as they are closed after the handling HTTP request is finished.
Memory profiling
Before starting a memory profiling it is good to know what the actual memory usage of Forgejo is. Using top
and similair tools might give a unrealistic picture, because of how unused memory by applications is represented by Linux and other operating systems. Go's runtime keep track of a lot of memory statistics which can give a precise and up to date picture4 of the memory usage of Forgejo.
These numbers are displayed on the Admin Dashboard in the “System Status” section. Simply navigate to “Admin Configuration”; the dashboard is the default page. Note that this section is updated live and therefore the numbers will change as you view the page. The Current memory usage is the most important value, this is the heap memory currently used by Forgejo, although it is somewhat skewed as it only shrinks when a garbage collection cycle occurs, but this represents the memory used which is lower than the memory obtained/allocated for Forgejo as per the OS, that value is an implementation detail of Go's runtime and cannot be influenced by Forgejo.
There are other values that you should pay attention to. If a lot of memory has been allocated in a short period of time, the Total memory allocated value will rise steeply. Another value to watch out for is related to Go's garbage collection. Although it is fast, the application must be stopped5, which means that the entire execution is paused and only Go's garbage collector is running. The total time of the so-called stop-the-world pause is displayed in Total GC pause, this is heavily influenced by the number of garbage collections since startup, which is the GC times value, this is best kept low and the time between garbage collections as high as possible, a lot of garbage collections usually indicates that a lot of memory is allocated and also released immediately, then the memory allocation itself can become a CPU time bottleneck.
You can download the heap profile from Forgejo on the stacktrace page in the admin configuration page. It is recommended to set the seconds to zero as this is not relevant for memory profiling. The output is a file named forgejo-diagnosis-xxx.zip
, in this zip file there is a heap.dat
file which is relevant for memory profiling. This file does not contain the actual heap, but only information that is relevant for analyzing memory usage. Forgejo enforces garbage collection before taking a snapshot of the heap, this prevents the heap from containing memory that is no longer used.
pprof tool
Go provides tooling to analyze the heap.dat
file, make sure to have this file extracted and then execute go tool pprof heap.dat
in a terminal in the directory that contains the heap.dat
file. Another complete example of how to make use of this tooling is also provided by a Go article, but to also re-iterate the most important ways to analyze:
: ReplaceN
with any number and it will display the topN
functions that have allocated the most memory, important to note that this sorts by theflat%
and not thecum%
is just the amount of memory the function itself has found, if the function has called another function its memory usage would be included in thecum%
: Opens up a visual goldmine to show which function uses how much memory and which functions called those functions. A good way to learn how a function was called. This does not show individual calls to function, for that thetraces <regex>
(works similair as thelist
option) can be used.list <regex>
: Replace<regex>
with a function name or a file name (case sensitive) and it will show exactly which line of source code was responsible for which amount of memory. Note that this requires the source code of Forgejo on a specific path (mainly the path where the Forgejo binary was built), so this option is usually only possible if Forgejo was built from source.
To take an example of how to effectively memory profile, in Forgejo a lot of regexps are compiled on startup and that means that they will show up in the heap, but e.g. via topN
it will only show that regexp.makeOnePass
and regexp/syntax.(*compiler).inst
allocated memory and it does not show which regexps are actually taking the most memory (and how much). First we can consult the visualization of traces with web
, we find regexp.Compile
(this is where a bit of Go knowledges comes in handy to know what the main entry to compiling regexp is which would ultimately called by the Forgejo) and in this case it's possible that only two traces are shown, one from the inserting routes in go-chi
package and one data.init
via MustCompile
. For simplicitly we will explore the go-chi
trace. Executing traces InsertRoute
shows indeed some traces to regexp.Compile
and they actually come from the addChild
function. You either can search this function on Github or use list addChild
and see the following:
. . 253: if segTyp == ntRegexp {
. 1MB 254: rex, err := regexp.Compile(segRexpat)
. . 255: if err != nil {
. . 256: panic(fmt.Sprintf("chi: invalid regexp pattern '%s' in route param", segRexpat))
. . 257: }
. . 258: child.prefix = segRexpat
. . 259: child.rex = rex
. . 260: }
There's indeed a call to regexp compile when the route path contains regexp (that's important information to understand why it was allocated in the first place and what the precondition for it is). To find out which routes these are we go back to the output of traces addChild
and follow the trace back to code in Forgejo, one traces comes from Git HTTP route and another in the API. Now to actually find the exact line in the API and Git HTTP file you can execute granularity=lines
and then execute traces addChild
again. This leads to finding routers/web/githttp.go:39
and routers/api/v1/api.go:1262
. According to the Go's memory profile the regexp created for these two routes are combined 1MB. If we want to avoid this allocation we understand now that the route must no longer be a regexp or a regexp that requires less allocated memory.6 As noted before, the heap profile does not contain the actual heap and thus it's not possible determine what the content of the heap was and analyze what was contained in the 1MB regexp objects.
Performance profiling
When talking about profiling, it usually refers to performance profiling or, more precisely, profiling where the CPU is spending time in a time period. It should be noted that if profiling is done on a production instance, you will have no indication of which particular request or task contributed to the CPU time of a particular function; it's merely a sum of the time being spent in a function. If that information is needed, tracing should be used.
You can download the CPU profile from Forgejo on the stack trace page in the admin configuration page. The seconds value is important here; it specifies the time period for which you want to collect a CPU profile, and this value should be chosen somewhat carefully to avoid having too much data; keep it as low as possible. After having the forgejo-diagnosis-xxx.zip
file, extract the cpu-profile.dat
file. You can continue with the explanation of how to use the pprof tool from the section in memory profiling; it is largely the same, but now instead of memory, the CPU time is being analyzed.
Although Go provides a CPU profiler that is offered by Forgejo, in certain scenarios using a wall-clock profiler might give better results, where I/O and CPU time are mixed into one profile. Forgejo uses felixge/fgprof to provide that. This profile is not available by default in the forgejo-diagnosis-xxx.zip
file; it can only be retrieved by enabling it in the config [server].ENABLE_PPROF = true
and then downloading http://localhost:6060/debug/fgprof?seconds=5
. This must be fetched on the same machine where the Forgejo instance is running.
The results from fgprof are quite a lot and hard to take in, and using the filtering capabilities of pprof is a necessity. Forgejo has many long-lived background goroutines that are all sleeping and spending zero CPU time, which means they will show that they are spending all their time in runtime.gopark
, which simply means the goroutine is sleeping and not active. This also usually means it doesn't actually take up an OS thread.7 Therefore you should usually start with Go's provided CPU profile and only revert to this profile if you suspect slowdowns related to I/O events. Also, by using Go's provided CPU profile, you have a way better picture of the functions that are being called, which can be used for filtering out unrelated functions in the fgprof profile.
When trying to optimize a function or procedure for performance, remember that optimization should be limited to what you can measure in order to avoid the root of all evil: premature optimization.8 This can be done by creating a benchmark function in the Forgejo codebase, which allows CPU profiling over this specific function and avoids any other disturbance; additionally, use benchstat to compare results between benchmark runs.
To be upfront, this type of profiling is quite powerful and gives you a lot of data in return, but is hard to understand and can be confusing to follow what the output is actually saying, it also requires an intermediate understanding of Go's runtime and Forgejo internals. The tracing implemented in Go is an execution tracer and precisely traces the execution of tasks; these tasks can be SQL queries, HTTP requests, or a queue handler, for example. It therefore can exactly tell you where a specific task was spending its time.
Similar to the CPU profile, to download the tracing profile from Forgejo, go to the stack trace page in the admin configuration page. The seconds specify for how long you want to do tracing; existing processes that were not created after the tracing started will also be included in the tracing but will contain skewed results as they are being traced somewhere in the middle of their task. After having the forgejo-diagnosis-xxx.zip
file, extract the tracing.dat
There are two tools to analyze the tracing results, Go's native tooling that uses Catapult or the more modern alternative gotraceui9. For now, we will stick with Go's native tools to explain the essentials of analyzing tracing results.
Execute go tool trace trace.dat
after loading the file, it will open a web UI, which is the main interface for analyzing trace results. There are many options to choose from, although only one is really of interest for Forgejo traces: "User-defined tasks" in the "User-defined tasks and regions" section allows you to see all the individual traces categorized by the task of the trace; you should primarily look here to find a trace such as an HTTP request. It also allows you to quickly find slow traces in a particular categorization. For HTTP requests you should avoid taking into account GET /user/events
; this is a long-lived request that is kept open between navigating the Forgejo UI. Each task logs the main purpose of that task; for HTTP requests, it logs the method and request URI, and SQL logs the SQL query and its arguments. To see what the task actually executed, you can click on "Goroutine overview"; this opens the trace viewer for that task.
In the trace viewer there are a few sections; only "Tasks" and "G" are really of interest. The tasks show the SQL and Git operations that were done; some Git tasks are long-lived, which means they are reused later on without needing to invoke a Git command again. Unfortunately, it is not possible to quickly see what the purpose of the task is; the logging information is not available in the trace view. It is, however, possible to deduce this partially from the stack trace that is shown after clicking on the task. In the "G" section, "goroutines are shown, and it shows what the goroutine(s) that were associated with this task were doing; this can conceptually be seen as where CPU time was spent in the goroutine and thus gives a detailed breakdown of the execution of a particular trace. Some functions have a relatively low amount of CPU time; it's therefore recommended to make liberal use of the zoom tool (press 3) to zoom into the timescale to see in greater detail the functions that were called; to move around the timescale, press 2.
This can be conceptually seen as lightweight thread that are managed by the Go runtime. ↩︎
This can be conceptually seen as where the program made a function call. ↩︎
Yes, we are aware and we are working on it. ↩︎
These memory statistics are not collected during garbage collection, but are instead calculated or fetched on demand, see documentation of runtime.ReadMemStats. ↩︎
For exact details of Go's garbage collector stop-the-world pause we refer to the official documentation. ↩︎
Such type of approach involves also understanding the source code and behavior of another library to verify if this is possible and for this example understand why these two particular regexp routes allocated more memory than other regexp routes. ↩︎
This has to do with the fact that goroutines are lightweight threads; if one goroutine is sleeping, it no longer takes up a thread, and another goroutine can take (now or in the future) up that thread. ↩︎
A infamous quote by Donald Knuth in Computer Programming as an Art (1974) on page 671. ↩︎
You have to build this from source and apply this patch. ↩︎