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Foster Hangdaan edited this page 2025-01-20 09:56:58 -05:00

Kroki Plugin for Lume - Wiki

Welcome to the wiki of Kroki Plugin for Lume.


This plugin takes code blocks1 containing diagram descriptions and replaces them with an <img/> of the diagram. The diagrams are generated by a Kroki server.


This plugin can be installed through an HTTP import:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import kroki from "https://code.hangdaan.com/foster/lume-plugin-kroki/raw/tag/v1.0.1/mod.ts";

const site = lume();


export default site;


  • server: URL of the Kroki server.
    • type: string
    • default: "https://kroki.io"
  • enabledDiagrams: A list of diagrams to be converted; diagrams not on the list will be untouched. See the Supported Diagrams section for the list of diagram names.
  • format: The preferred output format.
    • type: string
    • default: "svg"

Self-hosted Kroki Server

To use your own self-hosted Kroki server, set the server option:

  server: "https://kroki.mydomain.com",

Enable Certain Diagrams

To enable only Mermaid, PlantUML, and C4 with PlantUML diagrams:

  enabledDiagrams: [
    "C4 with PlantUML",

Change Default Format

To set the default output format to PNG:

  format: "png",


Diagrams which do not support the output format will fall-back to "svg".


Code blocks with the appropriate language label will be converted to an image. Specifying the language of a code block depends on the template engine—examples are provided in this section. Refer to the supported diagrams section for a list of diagram languages.


For Markdown, specify the diagram language after the starting triple backticks:

May -> Foster: Hi
Foster -> May: Hello

HTML-Like Template Engines Such as Vento and JSX

Template engines which have HTML-like syntax can specify the language using the class or className attribute:

  <code class="language-plantuml">
    Alice -> Bob: Hi
    Bob -> Alice: Hi


The language name must be prefixed with language-.

Supported Diagrams

A table of supported diagrams—each with their available output formats and language names.

Name Language Formats
ActDiag actdiag svg, png
BPMN bpmn svg
BlockDiag blockdiag svg, png
Bytefield bytefield svg
C4 with PlantUML c4plantuml svg, png
D2 d2 svg
DBML dbml svg
Ditaa ditaa svg, png
Erd erd svg, png, jpeg
Excalidraw excalidraw svg
GraphViz graphviz svg, png, jpeg
Mermaid mermaid svg, png
Nomnoml nomnoml svg
NwDiag nwdiag svg, png
PacketDiag packetdiag svg, png
Pikchr pikchr svg
PlantUML plantuml svg, png
RackDiag rackdiag svg, png
SeqDiag seqdiag svg, png
Structurizr structurizr svg, png
Svgbob svgbob svg
Symbolator symbolator svg
TikZ tikz svg, png, jpeg
UMlet umlet svg, png, jpeg
Vega vega svg, png
Vega-Lite vegalite svg, png
WaveDrom wavedrom svg
WireViz wireviz svg, png

  1. <pre><code></code></pre> for HTML, and triple backticks for Markdown. ↩︎